Streaming services via the internet
Streaming services are now an important or - most important - tool of communication - information - promotion and interaction in the modern online world. They can also be used for a very wide range of applications in different areas of professional or amateur activity, easily relative, but also in multiple ways depending on the needs arising from it.
Indicative activities utilizing online streaming:
→ With over 20 years of experience, we have implemented our services in the following areas:
- Radio, sound, song and music.
- Television, movies & cinema.
- Cultural - Artistic events, lectures and conferences.
- Education and training, tele-education, seminars - private lessons.
- Sports events, tournaments.
- Business activities, e-commerce, telesales, telemarketing.
- Scientific research (observation of weather, landscape, sky, space, earthquakes, etc).
- Telemedicine - telematics, tele-study, tele-diagnosis.
- Security/surveillance/monitoring and space control systems (image/speech).
We have worked with several companies active in this field, both at the research & design level of services and at the level of practical implementation of webcast streaming systems.